Update! Wallet NFTs Pictures Swapped: Replaced with random pics. Mintgarden and SpaceScan not affected until you click picture link

Update: In the meantime Imgix is going to purge the cashe to fix the issue and ill relay the cause or more information once they find it!

Hi ChiaForum,

A couple of NFTs in my wallet with 12,000 NFTs are showing a picture that replaced the original NFT pic.

These new incorrect pictures do not exist on my servers, None of my google storage buckets have these pics and not found on imgix buckets.

I opened a ticket with imgix.com but everything looks good on imgix side as per pics below until you use the link- for their servers.
The imgix support team should help out today. I will update status by end of day.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

Mintgarden and SpaceScan not affected until you click picture/data link on page.

I think the vandalism took place on Feb 2nd? - I miss my $1000 per month Ultra DNS account :rofl:

These are some of the NFTs with the issue/wrong pic.


After purging the source it still is showing incorrect picture.

Imgix is still liiking into the issue. :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face: