Updating using git problem

I followed the update procedure for Ubuntu server, but when I run chia version it still shows the previous version (1.1.6).

After a reboot, I redid the procedure and now git checkout latest returns:
Already on 'latest’
Your branch is up to date with ‘origin/latest’.

Whether or not 1.1.7 fixes anything in the Linux version is neither here nor there really.

Any ideas on how to fix this so I’m not stuck on 1.1.6 forever?
Many thanks.

Try “git pull”.
That worked for me last time.

Returns: “Already up to date”.
chia version still returns: 1.1.6

Thanks for trying.

Did u run install.sh?

Last time I checked “latest” was still pointing to 1.1.6. Try checking out the 1.1.7 tag.

git checkout tags/1.1.7 -b main

(not tested)

Sorry I didn’t reply earlier, I’ve left it running 1.1.6 for now, will see what happens on next update.