Warning: Not farming any plots on this harvester. Check your configuration

On the full node I see the plots passing the filter but on the harvester logs i have this error

2021-06-05T02:09:22.533 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING  Not farming any plots on this harvester. Check your configuration.
2021-06-06T05:49:38.863 harvester asyncio                 : ERROR    Unclosed client session
client_session: <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x7f2c94333e50>

Did you configure the harvester with the IP address of your farmer?

I got that message on initial startup, I just assumed it was as it was a brand new node.
Not seen it repeated since.
I can see it checking my plots so I’m fairly sure it’s running correctly.

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Yes, I use my full node ip, and it shows under harvesters. But on the harvesters logs I only see that message, I dont see 1 plot passes the filter or nothing else