What about Chia IPO

We’re not really sure where this rumor about an August IPO came from, but it keeps popping up… best we can track down it came up on a social media group somewhere in China and spiraled out from there, from what we gleaned on Keybase.

In any case… we never have set a date for an IPO… for legal and regulatory reasons we can’t set a date that concrete that far in advance. What will happen is once the process is complete and the train has left the station and the pieces are in motion, we’ll announce something within a few weeks or so of the actual date. Until that time the only thing we can say, is the only thing we have official said for a year now… “we continue to work towards an IPO at an aggressive pace.”


Thanks for the response. I enjoyed the AMA BTW. I hope the next one is soon.

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I wouldn’t wait for it to “finish”. More likely a version 1 or MVP. I don’t think I have ever worked on a software project where we all patted ourselves on the back and said it was finished.

Maybe, I’m quoting what was stated on the AMA. Did you manage to watch it?

That’s good news and clarification! Thank you!