What happened to chia net space?

If only I had more data points…

What you can see is, that the node count is decreasing (grey line). But the size per node is increasing (blue line)

feel free to fill me the gaps in node count. Then I can provide more detail:

Date Net Space Nodes Block height average Node Size (TiB)
4.2021 0.183 50000 325722 0.47972352
5.2021 1.47 225000 433612 0.856337067
6.2021 15.24 541502
7.2021 28.65 649392
8.2021 32.46 400000 757282 10.6364928
9.2021 33.55 865172
10.2021 36.29 973062
11.2021 33.23 1080952
12.2021 34.59 1220218
1.2022 32.02 1350000
2.2022 31.4 250000 1504081 16.4626432
3.2022 30.17 149291 1620401 39.5444224

thats all relative depending where you are and your situation.
Here in Switzerland its Winter/Spring (Physical Season) Meanwhile in argentinia, its already Summer season.


With some gap filling, it might be more clear. (linear gap filling, not actually known values)

That is the reason that we all stick to our own crystal balls, and don’t want to hear what others are seeing :slight_smile:

Although, the first chart is the one I mentioned earlier comparing it to mem pool. I don’t know which one (mem pool, or transaction) has a bigger impact on nodes keeping up with sync.

The second chart (whether wallet or nodes) is rather useless, as it is accumulative, so whoever is struggling with the initial install, and is entering different mnemonics hoping to make it work is bumping up that chart.

Nah, based on Jonmichael’s forward looking statements, before I buy next HD for chia, as he suggested I will wait for SSD/NVMe prices to drop, so can save on electricity cost :wink:

Those events should be recorded on those charts as sharp drops. Also, based on the last Chia statement, there were only 14k farmers in Russia, where the total number is around 250k. Although, we don’t know what the average farm size is there, so it is harder to factor it in into those charts. Although, you could argue that those farmers will be switching to VPNs, so that drop could be masked.

The bottom line, we lost 8 EB from the peak and roughly 100k farms (for the past month or two), and the trend is just downward. Yes, there are about 1 EB “daily” fluctuations, but when you smooth those out, it is almost a steady decline.

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We know the Average full node size though (active nodes, world wide)

Edit: Updated with the last datapoint from @Jacek with 100k farms (=Nodes?)
Having more than 3 Data points in total, again would really help this up.

What buffles me is that the value is so small.
Now for me that opens up:
a) I have a major issue in the calculation
b) There are tons of (active) full nodes which are actually not Farming.

Maybe I shall create a dashboard with some stats in the future…

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That reference was kind of with respect to Russian nodes.

I don’t think you have issues with your calculations. The number of “active” farms is around 250k, so that is the driving force. And, of course that implies that your second assumption is kind of the correct one. I would not say that those are “not farming” nodes, but rather nodes that are only running when someone powers such gaming PC up, and are using really the free space they have on their drives.

So, that means that in addition to an average farm size, it would be also good to know the farm size distribution (what I mentioned that Flex kind of has).

:slight_smile: We lost that 100k nodes in the last month or two. As you have it, we are at ~250k nodes, what gives around 100TB average farm.

I know, but I dont have the Numbers.

“it would be also good to know the farm size distribution (what I mentioned that Flex kind of has).”
What we can Tell is the Farmers distribution (not the Farm Size though):

Ruassia only has few farms compared to the Density in Europe for example. I guess that’s also part of a reason why some Pools blocked them out - they didn’t loose on much.
From my guess on how the russians are, I’d guess those who have a farm there probably have a somewhat large farm.

Just to pick up on this, and I may be in a minority, but then again there may be others doing the same…

I have three full nodes, all online and all in sync, with each full node behind a seperate public IP and in a different physical location (different city). However, I only farm my plots from multiple harvesters to one full node at any one time.

Reason ? If the full node I am farming on loses sync or I need to upgrade or there is some other issue, I direct my harvesters to one of the other full nodes whilst the downtime is rectified.

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Gene Hoffman mentioned around 1500 nodes in keybase

No. I know exactly what happened. The drop in price from $1600 to the $60 range. I think it’s not worth it for most people and they are losing hope and turning off or re-purposing drives.


I totally agree. This is the main reason for today.