Where to download a Synced V2 DB from?

Thank you for that.

If you could click on those three dots below that guy posts, select the flag icon that will show up to the left, and click on ‘spam’ option there, that would block his posts (I already did it, although it needs to get 2 flags to be taken down).

This is Chia’s keybase - Keybase. Go there and ask about clawback. They mentioned that it is a feature, but I really don’t know how and if that works for little guys like us.


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Just wanted to post in this thread that there is no reason to download a DB from an unofficial source anymore,

Chia now has an official DB download,


ok, but you need to update the torrent once a month. this file is months out of date and in my environment has taken days and still isn’t sync’d up. I’m at 3355619 out of 38214189, with my crappy TMobile internet I’d estm. it might be complete in another week.

You can use flexfarmer while DB syncs. Don’t download Chia DB from unknown sources.

Chia updates the DB quarterly (approximately). They intentionally upload the DB 1-3 months out of sync. It helps prevent mischievous DB’s as the syncing guarantees a genuine DB.

Yes it stinks still having to sync the 1-3 months out of sync, but definitely is a lot better than starting from scratch!

I read on discord not to long ago that there will be improvements on syncing speed soon with future Chia client versions as well…