(WTS) 270 TB plot with farm on cloud

Hello dear,
I will selling my farm chia on cloud base.

I have 270TB plots

You can save the plot at any time on your hard disk, if you wish.

what do you get:
Cloud account
seed phrase

what do you need for farm:

  1. RDP/vps windows

I will tech how to use it.

Price $3500

If Interest please DM me:
skypea: live:hasil.webporn
TeleGram: Telegram: Contact @nyiram_gacor

Why do you think it’s worth $3500?

The value of a farm is in the hardware, and if it’s cloud based then there isn’t any hardware.

Presumably there is ongoing cloud fee’s?

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3500 usd will be deleted in a year.
how many chia will earn 270 TB in a year ?

FYI only Nigerian scammers and grandmothers call others “Dear”.


Well, whoever they are they are not going to get an easy ride here.

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