0/0 plots passed filter...but also 0/99?

I don’t recall seeing this before. Usually I have 0/99 or 1/99 but now I’m seeing 0/0, earlier I saw alternating 0/53, 0/99 too. Any idea what’s going on?

Looking at the logs at around the same time, everything looks ok (to do this in PowerShell, run Select-String -Path C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\.chia\mainnet\log\debug.log -Pattern "eligible"

I did just set up a harvester using the multi-machine setup guide. I’m not sure it’s related.

I did just set up a harvester using the multi-machine setup guide. I’m not sure it’s related.

It most likely is related, but if so, your plots on one of the machines aren’t being seen properly - unless one of them is setup and you just don’t have any plots on it…?

Oh, that would explain it. My harvester is also a plotter and its drive is empty at the moment. My other plots are on a NAS.

This means my harvester was set up properly too!


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