1.2.11 missing Mad Max plotter in list


I installed CHIA from rpm on FEDORA35. In “Plotter List” is only “Chia Proof of Space”. Is there any additionals rpms needed to be installed?

Thank you,



chia plotters install madmax
from command line starts a build from sources.
Just ran it on my Ubuntu test VM, no experience with Fedora.
Are you sure it’s not already installed?
chia plotters madmax -h
is a no show?

Think you should quit the GUI beforehand and maybe reboot and backup the blockchain db first.
I would if it was on my ‘production’ machine;-)


Thank you for replay. I dont have any chia command on cli.

Thank you,


Not sure what you mean by that…
Are you working form GUI only?
That’s fine but when creating a new plot in Plots/Add a Plot, in Choose Plotter you should see options Bladebit Plotter (not installed) and madMax Plotter (not installed).
Well at least I see those not-installed options in the Ubuntu GUI.
To install you probably need the CLI command i gave above.

In terminal go to directory and install madmax with

cd /usr/lib/chia-blockchain/resources/app.asar.unpacked/daemon
./chia plotters install madmax

with ./chia -h you can see all cli options.


[xxxx@yyyy daemon]$ ./chia plotters install madmax
Installing madmax plotter.
Installing dependencies.
sudo: apt: command not found
Exception while installing madmax plotter: Could not install dependencies Command '['sudo', 'apt', 'install', '-y', 'libsodium-dev', 'cmake', 'g++', 'git', 'build-essential']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
[xxxx@yyyy daemon]$ 

Fedora dont have “build-essential” I tried to install below list , but didnt help:

sudo yum install libsodium cmake g++ git make automake gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel

Looks like there is problem that it try to run apt, but I have fedora where is dnf/yum.

Thank you,


That is a shame :confused:
Chia team should fix this!

Maybe you can open an issue on their github?



I open an issue, hope they will take a look:

