2 full nodes plotting question

I’ve recently started my Chia journey, so please forgive the stupid question, and i’ve tried searching for an answer before posting this.

I have two pc’s on the same network, both running windows and Chia is run on the GUI, and both pcs are full nodes plotting with Madmax.

My question is, PC1 is still plotting, and im almost done fully plotting PC2. How do I setup my PC2 as a harvester on windows GUI (I understand running two full nodes is not optimal).

One last thing, unfortunately I ended up having both pc’s as different launcher ID’s plotting NFT plots rather that using one launcher ID (wasnt sure how to do that). so when they are connected to a pool they are not listed together.

Thanks in advance for any help/instructions.

If you have done this at the router level: “enable_upnp: false”, I see no issues running two full nodes on the same networK.

Second option is share all the drives on 1 PC, and link to these shared drive through Chia. (This way, you don’t even need a harvester.)

Both will work fine.

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here’s the basic harvester setup:

If you google on something like chia harvester setup you will find some more practical instruction video’s and stuff

not a problem, just that you will have two accounts with the same pool (if they are both in the same pool) Soem pools have the option to combine them based an the payout address though.

Thank you both for your prompt responses.

One question for @ChiaMiner , having the second pc sharing the plots with a different launcher all running from one chia GUI/Node is fine?

Actually I agree with this. If the port forwarding is set and one has upnp disabled it should work fine.
I ran two Flax nodes before, without port forwarding and both with upnp and that also worked fine.
If running two nodes give issues, change the setup but sometimes it will just run fine and no need to fix it if it ain’t broken.
But keep an eye on your pool dashboards and maybe chia logs to see if you are getting good results

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Yes. You will have only one launcher.
The second option:
You would be running everything from just one PC, the other PC is just turned on and running. Nothing Chia related running.
Settings on Windows to share drives so that the other PC can see and access them. You see every drive shared, then you are good to go. If that is not the case, a few steps to follow:

  1. Unplug the ethernet cable
  2. In the Network settings “reinitiate” all network nettings.
  3. Restart PC
  4. Booted to Desktop, plug the ethernet cable. An option pops up on the right hand side, “Do you want to make this PC visible on the same network?” Choose yes.
  5. Maybe a final reboot.
  6. Now right click on every drive with plots, enable “sharing”. Under “Autorizations” tab, enable “write” and “modify”.
    That is it!