4 won blocks in 6 days with 1.8 PiB pool netspace (Official Pooling Protocol)

Yeah that’s fair enough I suppose - where I am, and probably in other jurisdictions you legally become a ‘data controller’ when you hold people’s PII, which has quite onerous implications and makes you liable to massive fines if you ever slip up - but that’s your risk to take.

That sounds so german :sweat_smile:

Well, more like European but true. Germans are the worst.

The intent of these laws is so that companies don’t have the freedom to collect and sell your data to the highest bidder, and to make sure they are liable when data is leaked… but in practice they don’t really work, because any organisation over a certain size including the govt. does whatever they want regardless of the law.

My name is a german word - but it’s also the name of a planet/race in Stargate SG1 who turn other planets into farmland - it felt fitting as I turned a bunch of old PCs into plotters and farmers. So that became the hostname of my farmer machine and then I used it here - I don’t use the same name in different places, it’s not in my interest to make it any easier than it already it is to identify me or correlate me across the web.

I think AzPool now is having great farmers with “good stuffs”. The est. daily earnings is now growing up to 0.8xch/pib.
13 blocks - 4.1 PiB in almost 2 weeks.