After upgrading to 1.3.5 I'm getting Errors in the log

I didn’t say I posted many times. I said I’ve seen it many times, by just doing a google search. Some posts are on github and reddit with people having this exact same problem. And here we go again going off tangent not addressing problem.

Just a thought, did you delete this folder as well - “C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\chia-blockchain” ?
If not, you might try again to get it all deleted and then do the absolutely fresh 1.3.5 install. Painful, but might work.

Also if you had an original backup of 1.2.11 - you could put it back, and upgrade version by version incrementally. Perhaps there are things that were assumed to be in place, that are not if you do a much more distant upgrade.

I’ve always upgraded verion to next version. Any issues at all, I just re-installed- the new version again, so install twice, and all issues were gone (that were not built-in bugs).

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Yes I deleted the chia-blockchain folders in appdata folder as well. I did a fresh install like this twice already. I didn’t do a backup because I will have to move to 1.3 in July anyways otherwise I would stay on 1.2.11 and not have to deal with this.

How about a fresh install of 1.2.11? Tried that?

No but doesn’t everyone have to move over to 1.3.x in July?

Does anyone at least know what this error is? People are offering help which is great but I think starting with identifying what this error is first will help more. So if anyone knows feel free to comment. ValueError Newer block not found doesn’t look good.

If you can get what was working, working again… well then we can move ahead. Otherwise, something else has happened somehow, and we need to address that 1st. It’s called troubleshooting, perhaps frustrating, but helps in the discovery process.

You do know that there’s a big database change from 1.2.11 to 1.3 right? Actually understanding the error and the root cause would be a better place to start instead of reinstalling hoping that it will work. So far no one has been able to say what this error even is but everyone is full of suggestions.

Because its a not a common error.
Use the search function, theres only 6 threads with " newer block not found ".
The little i skimmed had no solution. Your free to read them all, im not going to.
The bug report on github has not had a fix yet.

Youre asking alot from a forum of enthusiasts who are not the devs.

Youve disputed what ive told you when i was correct.
Go and ask the devs if your not willing to take the advice youve been given.


I’ve been running this for 24hrs on one of my test nodes.

So far no issues

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Well, if it were my problem id have it fixed by now, but its not is it.

Well isn’t this a part :blush:

This error is a rare one and I wanted to check if you have anything monitoring your farm like farmr? The reason I’m asking is because it appears that the issue occurs from an API RPC call which is used by monitoring tools and that tool may be calling API too frequently.

The warning about the <5s validation of blocks is typically non issue as this may happen during dust storms and I see it on my Buldozer CPU but if something is monitoring your farm too aggressively that is yet another source of delay as it hits the same DB which will slowdown other tasks like block validation.

This is one of the reasons why I do passive monitoring at the moment by tailing the log file.

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Not the OP but I have exactly the same “issue” (don’t know if it is an issue as otherwise seems to be running well!). . . but yes, I am running Farmr.

Will try without Farmr and see if error persists in the logs

Yes, Yes, Yes, Seriously!!!

In chia a single block can have more than one reward.

If you don’t know what you’re talking about please don’t be so aggressive to people trying to help.


This problem is very likely that the version upgrade jump is too large, because 1.2.x and 1.3.x have changed too much, especially the database, it is best to upgrade to 1.3.1 first, complete the V2 database update, and then consider 1.3.5 after confirming that the operation is stable.

I went from a much earlier version to .3.3 without issue, i doubt thats it.

All the reports ive looked at ( which arent that many ) are for .3.4 and .3.5 with that error.

With all this time spent. Install 1.3.5 added the 24 word from scratch would have synced by now.

And that new hard disk 500gb min would be coming in the mail. They should update the install doc, 500gb SSD disk min not to waste your time getting this going and have breathing room.

By the way, 1.3.6567 beta is cooking ok so far on my test node.

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Is there any big advance inbeta?

I run the release version on my farmer and harvesters and get to test the betas on some test nodes with plots to see for myself how there are moving ahead. So if they were to release 1.3.6 and people are blowing up their farms some how we kinda know they may have done something wrong. I always want to test out something before I put it into production for me.