Just a story, an observation. My farm has external hard drives and I use a crontab script to write a few bytes and do a sync every two minutes. This activity is logged, so what. I was having crashes every four days or so and noticed a tracker being active with every write instance. The tracker is a file indexer which builds quick search tables. The one in this version of Ubuntu is called tracker3. I turned off the tracker and my chia log is looking really clean with no crashes. ‘Turning the tracker off’ procedures are hit and miss and I have one procedure still to try out. What worked for me was to ‘kill’ the tracker3 process. No reboots since then, Feb 14th and it’s March 2nd now.
Thanks for the story. I was not familiar with tracker3. A quick search in Stack Overflow recommended removing executable-bit on tracker3 binaries, if one wishes to disable it. Seems to be included in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS as well.
Thanks @ rantanplan. That sounds good. Just neuter it!
I’ll try that if it restarts on my next reboot. The next kernel update shouldn’t be too far in the future.