Bladebit gpu plots 128gb mode problem

Hi. I cant get lower plot times than 12 min.
Im using 128 gb mode compression 7
specs rtx 3070ti 128g ram 3600 mhz, ryzen 9500 and 2 tb ssd where i have my ubuntu and where i have my temp file.
What am i doing wrong ? everything is set to gen 4 (pcie where my 3070ti is and m2 )
temporary file is on ssd and then i move plots to hdd. even before moving plots it says that plots are created in 12 minutes;/

im not an it professional and I’ve ran out of ideas.
thanks for help

Just saying, I have a separate disk I use for the Temp file
OS disk
temp disk
dest disk
and I’m getting under 3 min plots. (And also using windows)

i tried to do this on a separate ssd disk and its still 12 min ;/

Try nossd as a test run

You have only 128Gb Ram thats the problem.

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But is that with just 128GB of RAM, I thought you had 256GB?

What kind of ssd are you using?

The thing is for plotting, the most important factor is sustained write speed. That speed is not on the spec sheet, but you can get it from reviews like Tomshardware.

Some nmve drives that have great speeds on the spec sheet will drop dramatically after they run out of cache.

i’m using corsair mp 600. funny thing is, when i started my first plots ( ssd corsair was temp and ssd corsair was final directory) they were made under 6 minutes. idk whats the problem.

ok, yeah that ssd should be perfectly fine for plotting

I would try if that it is still the case, try another plot with the destination and final dir the same.
If it’s 6 minutes again, the problem is in the plot copy process.

There are several scripts floating around out there that can handle the copy process more effeciently.
I used to use this one, but on newest versions of Linux it doesn’t work anymore:

Yes I have 256gb, that 128 in the string got me side tracked… :sweat_smile: