Bladebit - How To?

As @Voodoo replied, could you try:

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Thanks, forgot that bit, as you’ve probably guessed I’m a Windows guy, and I have a database that generates my madmax cli cmd which I just paste in so hadn’t been manually typing that.

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12.25 minutes, not too shabby - Dell T7910 with dual e5-2699v3 CPU’s

Where the heck does git PUT this “bladebit folder”?
How do you navigate to it when you have ZERO CLUE where it’s at and can’t find it anywhere?

Not the easiest, but plenty of links in the correct thread.

Academic to me at this point - been working with NoSSD for most of a month now, and max says Gigahorse with similar new “much smaller” compression should be released in the next day or two.

CNI is still trying to get the PREVIOUS compression level working right with some setups and similar hardware requirements. Howard might be a good programmer, but he’s a LOT slower than Max or the NoSSD programming crew.

I will be moving over to GH 2.0 when released, just makes no sense to stay with BB, NoSSD is a step too far for me.