Cannot open at least 336 files, please raise maximum open file limit in OS

Hi guys,

I am plotting and farming on the same machine. Currently it has 6 hdd’s for farming ca. 60 TB and 1 SSD 7,68 TB for plotting.
I am using madmax
It all went well until I received this prompt:

Cannot open at least 336 files, please raise maximum open file limit in OS.

What to do? I already tried to change max limit of files in etc/scurity/limits.conf and it doesnt seem top work.

Also, I have exactly the same problem on another machine farming 11 hdd.s , ca. 100 TB of plots.

Please help

Have you checked your plotting drive to make sure that it is empty? Interrupted plots can cause files to be left behind on the plotting drive and jam you up.
If you have these ghost files you will have to format the plotting drive to get rid of them.

That’s normally a standard Linux problem. What is the OS?

I wonder if it means maximum open files or maximum watching files. Both are typically things you can set.

I.e How to Increase Number of Open Files Limit in Linux

I have same questions too.
And I followed the guide set the soft and hard limits to 1000000,
still have this error.
does anyone know how to fix it ?

I have had this same issue . It’s caused by a failed or interrupted plot. The solution is deleting all of the temporary files from the chia plotter’s temp drive