Cannot Withdraw XCH from Chia BlockChain

Hi Chia Army, I’ve been mining Chia for the past 2 years now, all things were good before but just recently before upgrading to the latest version. I have trouble withdrawing my XCH, it has been pending for almost 2 days, so I decided to upgrade to the 2.1.3 version but I still have the same problem. so I tried to delete the unconfirmed transaction and resend it again, and I got “success with MEMPOOL_CONFLICT.” and my XCH is still stuck in pending for more than 3 hours now.

There’s nothing wrong with your system, there’s a dust storm and there is currently 12,000 transactions in the queue, and if you didn’t pay a fee, or it was a very low fee it will be low priority.

As an experiment I sent some XCH to my cold wallet 4 days ago, with no fee, it still hasn’t arrived, but it will do eventually.

Space Explorer - Chia Blockchain Explorer (


Thank you for that info, now I have my peace. more power to you!


Transactions with 0.001 fees seem to be flying right through: and that’s only worth a few pennies.

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Generally ( not 100% sure with chia , but i imagine so )
Afer so long in the mepool if not processed it will be regected.

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It’s 1-14-24 already and this dust storm is still going on…
I don’t know how Chia thinks it is going to be a major block chain running like this all the time.

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Things like this actually help resolve issues in the Blockchain. Pay a reasonable fee and transactions go through quickly.

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I’m honestly surprised there wasn’t a change after the first big dusting (the one that made Raspberry Pi farming obsolete the first time). But I will give Chia credit for sticking to the anti-censorship stance they’ve taken from the beginning, they don’t kick undesirable transactions, nodes, projects or pools off of the network and at least that is consistent (half a rib :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:, half not :saluting_face:).

Agreed here, some blockchain literacy will go a long way in this space. We had the same growing pains with other tech, and humans figured out how to ignore all of the princes sending us money by email and remembering our 2005 Chevy Cobalt doesn’t have any extended warranty (ignore the spam calls).


This is a feature, coins always live on the chain.

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