Cant Sync, it never did

Thanks for the input. I did have those 3 processes (and others) already enabled in the firewall. Also am using Chia 1.1.6, and 64-bit Windows 10 Pro.

I only had port 8444 open, so I’ll try adding the others. I’m not exactly sure what you mean by “opening local ports (as seen in the Chia node GUI).” Where in the GUI should I see these?

Do you have a static IP from your ISP, or only for the Chia node on your LAN?

I meant those:

But to be honest i really dont know if putting those ports into the firewall have an effect. My Software Firewall suggested those automatically the first time after starting chia.

I think my Provider gave me a fix ip adress, i really dont know. Never checked it. Although my modem resets every 24 hours automatically.

I meant the windows future:

Because with an fix ip, you can set port forwarding on your router.

This is interesting. If Google is correct, “Verbindungen” is the Connections page in Chia. I’ve never seen anything listed there.

My PC’s IP address is static, but I assigned that in the router instead of in the Windows settings.

Last night I changed the clock to “set time zone automatically,” completely disabled Bitdefender, and increased the number of peers in the config file to ~100. After running overnight there were still no connected peers.

I started another sync attempt this morning without changing anything. After running for several minutes, the debug log shows only wallet-related errors; could these be preventing full node sync?

2021-05-31T08:00:37.926 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: WARNING Not farming any plots on this harvester. Check your configuration.
2021-05-31T08:16:34.777 wallet chia.wallet.wallet_node : ERROR Error while trying to fetch from peer:Peer returned no response Traceback (most recent call last):
File “chia\wallet\”, line 605, in _sync
File “chia\wallet\”, line 643, in fetch_blocks_and_validate
ValueError: Peer returned no response

2021-05-31T08:16:34.871 wallet chia.wallet.wallet_node : ERROR Error while trying to fetch from peer:Peer returned no response Traceback (most recent call last):
File “chia\wallet\”, line 605, in _sync
File “chia\wallet\”, line 643, in fetch_blocks_and_validate
ValueError: Peer returned no response

2021-05-31T08:16:34.877 wallet chia.wallet.wallet_node : ERROR Error while trying to fetch from peer:Peer returned no response Traceback (most recent call last):
File “chia\wallet\”, line 605, in _sync
File “chia\wallet\”, line 643, in fetch_blocks_and_validate
ValueError: Peer returned no response

2021-05-31T08:16:35.349 wallet chia.wallet.wallet_node : ERROR Error while trying to fetch from peer:Peer returned no response Traceback (most recent call last):
File “chia\wallet\”, line 605, in _sync
File “chia\wallet\”, line 643, in fetch_blocks_and_validate
ValueError: Peer returned no response

2021-05-31T08:16:35.352 wallet chia.wallet.wallet_node : ERROR Error while trying to fetch from peer:Peer returned no response Traceback (most recent call last):
File “chia\wallet\”, line 605, in _sync
File “chia\wallet\”, line 643, in fetch_blocks_and_validate
ValueError: Peer returned no response

2021-05-31T08:16:35.354 wallet chia.wallet.wallet_node : ERROR Loop exception in sync Was not able to add blocks 14458-14490. Traceback (most recent call last):
File “chia\wallet\”, line 515, in sync_job
File “chia\wallet\”, line 614, in _sync
RuntimeError: Was not able to add blocks 14458-14490

Found the answer in another thread. This PC was running SuperMicro’s SuperDoctor5 app, which listens on port 8444 and was causing socket error 10013.


Are you synced now? :smiley:

As of this morning when I left for work it was one-third sync’d. Looks like it will take about 24 hours total, unless it accelerates.

Honestly, at this point I’m just happy to be syncing. Was doing this on the family PC (mostly used by my wife) as a learning experience. The Chia rig will be starting up in the next week or so. :grin:

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Change the Date & Time setting to Auto. This solved my 5 weeks not synced issues immediately after I changed the setting. Hope this helps.


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Yes, the auto time setting is something I saw a few days ago and changed as well. My initial full node sync completed after about 36 hours. Thanks for the help, everyone.

Now I’m working on the “real” Chia machine. Got it connected and syncing immediately, and several full nodes connected within a few minutes. I added our other PC as a local peer connection. Looks like this sync will take about 10 hours, unless more nodes connect and it accelerates.

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1.1.7 is literally just officially announced on Keybase. I downloaded it even though 1.1.6 solved all my sync issues. Talk over on Keybase is that 1.1.7 should solve most sync issues, and a few other issues as well as GUI issues.