Censored Speech on Reddit r/Chia

I agree it is a very bad look. it appears to be an orchestrated cover up. nothing to see here kind of a thing.

ChiaPizza is the voice of reason and sanity.

Donā€™t feed the trolls.

I donā€™t understand your reasoning here - why would Will be attacked if he allowed comments on the announcement? Will is just the messenger.

I mean if you havenā€™t seen the endless supply of comments that repeatedly attack him on reddit, other socials, some removed, some remain.

Its usually the ā€œmods censored meā€ people who attack him for removing their comments when they turn to insults and repeatedly shitposting the same things.

Literally daily I see comments made like that directed towards him, imagine what thats like having to try and keep some peace and get attacked every single day, thats why I proposed my alternative view to you based on things Iā€™ve seen and my experience of being in the same position.

Someone once gave me some encouragement and advice that moderation would make me everyones enemy, thats why I commented with what I didā€¦

it wasnā€™t too long ago I was (and still am) piled on by those angry they get moderated and arenā€™t allowed to freely insult others everywhere they go, so they go to other sites and pile on with all the other angry people.

Can you imagine what that does to someone after years of volunteering their time trying to allow discussions, both positive and negative?

The simple answer is likely the best answer, he just wanted to share the information so others could be informed, but didnā€™t want another thread attacking him and others, but seems thats happening anyhow doesnā€™t it.

damned if you do, damned if you donā€™t, someone always ready to question your intent and paint a picture to satisfy their own bias.


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I wish I could send a disklike to all comments of chia pizza.
More than 100,000 xch were sold in a month someone going to rich and i am still broke.

I can see the discussion is still nice and civil here (not) !

Iā€™m siding with @bwfree on this one. Some weird things are going on at the moment, as CNI sinks with their prefarm chest tied around the ankles.


For US residents. SimpleSwap is almost the only way (or IS the only way) to legitimately trade Chia.
A little slow on their trades sometimes, but been 100% reliable so far.

The crypto.com app works more reliably than simpleswap IMO. I got screwed many times with simpleswap.