Censored Speech on Reddit r/Chia

It is very interesting this thread on r/Chia was auto-locked by the moderator before anyone could leave any comment(s): https://www.reddit.com/r/chia/comments/1e1mn4e/another_50000_xch_to_the_mm_today/

TLDR: CNI sent 50,000 more XCH to the market maker today.

the mods are everywhere. my thread about Gene resigning was deleted immediately here before I could save the link

It seems that they didn’t believe your information was true/accurate. You have a screenshot from their blog or what?

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no did anyone else save it?

it seems the pace of prefarm sales is accelerating. maybe this is why they are censoring comments

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That would have been the first comment, I think. Instead of waiting 4 weeks, they sold more in 3 weeks.

interesting strategy. instead of increasing the amount they are just shortening period. this would hide the problem from a casual observer.

That troll just created an account few hours ago. His/her first post included a bogus link (404) and no other data to support that statement, no screenshots, nada. I googled about Gene resigning, but there were no links, Gene’s twitter didn’t have any such info, so I flagged that post as spam, so it was removed.

I am not shilling for Gene in any way, just don’t respect trolls with zero credibility wasting time with bogus conspiracies and crap links.

Here is a similar link to what he/she posted - https://www.chia.net/password-user-from-chiaforum-a-full-of-bullshit-troll. Anyone did a screen capture from that page, saved it? No, well I didn’t do it as well, but I swear that I saw it there. Apparently, they have already taken it down, but for sure it will be there later.

This forum is not much censored (whether pro or against chia), and for sure not when posts are backed up by (credible) sources. You just peddle bullshit without zero support for that, and that will always be flagged.

Your post had a garbage link, so nothing to save was there.

do you remember what the link was? maybe internet archive or archive.is picked it up

So, you post bullshit, but want me to remember all that crap for you? Do you understand how dumb you sound? You find some info about it, you will be more than welcomed to post it here and have a discussion.

Otherwise, get a life and stop trolling.

I cut and copied the link. it was a chia.net blog post

do you think it was an early release by mistake?

Then go search through your browser history for previous URLs.

No, I don’t believe you at all. You generated that link the same way I generated mine above. My link also points to chia website so for sure is credible, and also for sure it was an early release by mistake. But as I said, once they repost mine, I will also repost it here for folks to comment.

calm down. I am sure they will update the blog soon.

Allow me to provide another perspective…

the moderator is not trying to hide or censor things, they posted the very thread to share the news with people, so they could have the news.

There are several threads already discussing prior sales and a couple more threads have already been created since the post discussing it.

Perhaps the purpose was just to get the information out to the public, without that devolving into what we can clearly see is happening again, and again, and again, and again. There is no shortage of reddit threads discussing sales.

So I don’t think its “interesting” that the thread was locked, clearly the moderators are sharing negative information with the public.

The only thing I find interesting are the repeated claims there is censorship of “anything negative” despite HUNDREDS OF THREADS AND THOUSANDS OF COMMENTS that are all negative on reddit, discord, chiaforum, and many other socials, contrary to what people are trying to suggest is censorship.

I myself have been one of the moderators on a platform that have encouraged people with dissenting opinions and questions to have discussions (caveat, they must be civil rather than with the intent to get a reaction from people).

Since I have done that, numerous discussions have taken place with negative opinions and most of those people still remain with them and continue to discuss that side of it, they have not been banned or censored.

I think people are just making things like “locked threads” more of an issue then they are, at some point in moderation things devolve so far it no longer serves a meaningful purpose to exchange information just attack others (new thread after new thread is created and allowed until it devolves to this).

P.S. In fact look at the troll comments in this thread, thats the epitome of why threads get locked and accounts shut down, their sole goal is to provoke a reaction not have a meaningful discussion.

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are the reddit mods the same mods as on this forum?

I think that it is the other way around. Trolls that post here are the same trolls that post on reddit.

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I just think it’s a bad look when people are not allowed to comment on something. With this, for example, I’m sure people would point out that the previous sale was 3 weeks ago, so sales appear to be on an accelerated schedule at this point.

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…but they are commenting on it, as I indicated, in numerous old and new threads. I think you’re trying to find an ulterior motivate where none exists.

If you want to speculate, maybe its just someone who is so frustrated with the relentless accusations and personal comments about them, but they still wanted to share information, without getting roasted by another hundred shitposting comments about them and others.

I don’t think people get how often Will gets attacked on a daily basis with extreme serious accusations when they are just trying to create an environment for discussions rather than another reddit that turns into a shitposting haven for people who want reactions not discussions.

Really step back and think about that, do you really think Will, who posted a negative news story, is trying to censor negative news? (or do you think he’s just tired of getting piled on and just wanted to share the information)

Really think about what you’re suggesting his motives are.

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I take that as a yes. you can’t escape the Chia team mods.