Checkpoint wrong file

Ok I am trying to download the checkpoint and i download the torrent i put it through transmission then i extract it with 7 zip and then i put it into the db folder and it doesn’t work its not a sqlite file it says its a 2023 file so what do i do to change the file i tried to rename it but then my chia wont open if i do that.

Official torrent:

  1. Download the torrent file from the official database snapshot torrent.
  2. Use a torrent client to download the full db. Bittorrent is recommended but any torrent client will work.
  3. Unpack/reassemble the torrent file that was downloaded (on windows one can use 7zip, Mac and linux have built in tools that work for this).
  4. Stop all chia processes if you have not already.
  5. Move the db to the correct folder ~\.chia\mainnet\db\ and update the name to blockchain_v2_mainnet.sqlite (removing the date information in the name).
  • Remove any -wal or -shm files that are present in the directory (these are temporary files that should only be removed when all chia processes are stopped).
  1. Verify the config file (~.chia\mainnet\config\config.yaml) has the correct value under the full_node section for database_path: db/blockchain_v2_CHALLENGE.sqlite (should only need to change the v1 to v2).
  2. Launch chia and wait for a bit (the height to hash, sub-epoch, and peers files need to be built so this can take 5-10 minutes).

ok i did all that and i changed the file name and it still is just saying starting services with full node underneath and its been like that for an hour when i changed the name of the file it said blockchain_v2_mainnet.2023 and when i change the 2023 part to sqlite it just loads for ever and ever and never works so im just very confused.

Is your time synced correctly?

what time like my pc time yes thats not it when im extracting it its not coming out as a sqlite flie it coming as a .2023 flie

I suspect you have another problem, probably with the config.yaml file, if the DB name was wrong it would have been ignored and a new created.

Try renaming the the config .yaml to config.yaml.bck then try starting the GUI. If it’s starts then you have an issue in your yaml file.

i had the same problem.

downloaded the database in the torrent.

then deleted whole .chia directory (ok, i did backup).

installed fresh chia software

copied the database in to the DB directory, renamed to the name without the date

started chia farm and in 5 mins the farming software started with 4,3M blocks - missing only 300k to finish (5 hours syncing)

thats happend yesterday/today