Chia already $427.It’s cheeper to by it than to mine so as not experience you luck.
it will continue to drop as people loose faith in the crypto
I hope the price increase…
At this $$ and lower, certainly, at the current 20+EiB size, there is little incentive to plot and hope for rewards. The potential reward/TiB plotted is about nothing (a few $$), so the ROI is virtually nonexistent. Would it even cover the electricity cost to farm over time - doubt it.
Which is not meant to dissuade you from trying. Hope springs eternal, and the price can rise too.
Perfect way to test out the thesis that people will use equipment they already have… if you see netspace continuing to grow then the thesis is right or people believe XCH will increase in price in the future.
in short: netspace growth is the indicator to look at if people like Chia… not todays XCH price that is volatile like any crypto.
I was about to complain it was at 475 lol. looks like a lot of stuff just dropped again…
I sold the 4 XCH i have won a few days ago…
I’m not sure the price will hold up in the short term.
I don’t know how people in the US (and Canada and UK and other countries) would purchase XCH at the moment. Too restrictive at the moment. The best and safest way to do it (and the recommended way) would be to get an intermediary crypto like BTC or ETH or something like that. The problem is that each transaction is considered a taxable event. So… in my case, add US% to, it’s taxed. purchase BTC or ETH, it’s taxed again. Why bother getting XCH at this point? 3rd taxable event just to get XCH.
If I got BTC or ETH, I could just go to a local crypto ATM and trade with it or cash it, so having XCH would be pointless at that point. Having XCH is only good if I earn/win it.
I hope it goes down so people will learn what investing in crypto is like.
Haha, yes this just turned into a game of chicken.
If enough people leave, rewards will go up…but who will leave first?
I think the better question is who would stay? You can tell that over time, people have collectivly choose to sell.
I wonder why chia is not included in Binance stock list?
I think that chia is really a bitcoin “killer” and the price for it will increase exponetially.
Nope. Chia could hit rock bottom.
And it is still going down.
Wait for the double digit XCH - that is when you sell those drives and load up on the currency - and preferably something else along with the XCH!
Man that is the problem in crypto, majority of of the speculation hinges primarily on what we “think”. I personally think a potted plant should be worth more than a single BTC…but it’s not happening, well not now but perhaps in 6 months lol
So this must be how early bitcoin holders felt…sell now to get $1k…or let it ride.
Sell now, hold usdc or usdt, wait for 2 digit or single digit XCH, buy back, enforce selective dementia for a decade…
Basic economics predicts a near zero-sum game, where mining barely makes a profit (if any).
Seems like some people still believe
The price of a coin long term cannot be determined by its performance 4.5 weeks into existence. For Chia to do well it needs good PR, its much less energy intensive than other crypto, and now we have madmax plotter it doesn’t destroy SSDs/NVMEs either. It will cause HDDs to be filled with essentially useless data which is bad-PR. Governments bringing official stablecoins into existence I think will be good for “unofficial” crypto.