Chia database file is still 130 Gb

I thought that the V2 chia db was much smaller (80 gb?)
Now the confusing thing is that I have the database on a virtual machine disk hosted on a zfs pool (using proxmox), and it shows total disk usage of 80gb (compression?) while file size shows up as 127gb for the database.
However when I try to copy it over the network to a normal lvm disk, it does transfer 127gb and requires that much space.

My v2 db chia file in ext4 linux system (ls -lh command):
-rw-r–r-- 1 pi pi 130G nov 24 16:58 blockchain_v2_mainnet.sqlite

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The database file MIGHT have been 80GB when it first moved to the V2 format.
It’s grown since then - and keeps growing and growing and growing…

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