Chia farmer taking up a lot of memory


I noticed there are dozens of processes running on my Linux farmers. Most of the processes are named “chia_full_node_block_validation_worker” and each is taking up around 400MB of RAM. I have two farmers with couple hundred terabytes. On the bigger one processes are taking up around 17GB of 128GB RAM and on the smaller one around 7GB of 32GB. Now that is a lot for something, that was supposed to just run in the background and not use much resources. Does anyone else have this issue?

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I have never seen that behavior (I am on windows though). For example chia (chia-gigahorse) is using ~2GB of RAM memory out of 128GB on my node PC:


The memory footprint is also small if I run the stuff directly via python (below is an example of a chia fork full node)


Are you syncing the db from scratch or you see the behavior even if you are fully synced-up ?

I am fully synced. I’ve been farming since the beginning. Some of the plots are OG and some are not. No compression.