Chia xch is dead?

Here is the US debt: Fiscal Data Explains the National Debt
The nations that really count that should be measured against each other are the G7 and sometimes the G20 nations. No one is in good shape. Comparing BTC to the US dollar or anything else for that matter since 2009 to present day tells the story.

Everyone is rich!

But we all owe money to each other… :laughing:

I think US banks hold most US debt

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You are right. Here is more info - National debt of the United States - Wikipedia. Although, the data there is rather old - 2018.

Here is a US gov doc from 2022, with data from 2021 - Although, one needs to be careful about the data presented, as China’s holding is shown as percentage of only foreign held debt, not the gross (about 5% in 2021).

So, bringing up China / British it is a good fearmongering topic, nothing else (reasons explained in that Wikipedia article: P. Krugman’s quote and this section - National debt of the United States - Wikipedia).

Debt is just a function of the taxation vs spending, so by itself is a worthless number.

Bringing up British (I did forget the Japanese holdings) isn’t fearmongering.
Bringing up Chinese ONLY would have been fearmongering.

Like the “news” articles I’ve seen pointing out Chinese ownership of farm land - but ignoring the fact that Bill Gates ALONE owns more and both totals are way under 1% of all US farmland - THAT is fearmongering.

I concede I was thinking only of the foreign holdings.

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