Compressed disk plotter

I have a catch up to do since I’ve been passively farming for the past two years.
There seem to be a change toward GPU plotting/farming.

I wonder if there is any available plotter using old style disk (SSD) with compressed plot function.
Bladebit 3.1 still turns off the disk plotter
MadMax incurs a fee
Chiapos can plot compressed plot but super slow

any other choices?

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Madmax(Gigahorse) does incur a fee, but has much smaller plots available, which easily covers the fee.


The last run of plots I tested with NOSSD actually worked smashingly well with an SSD in the mix (was using it for the throughput, apparently it scales with multiple drives).

But thumbs up to the Gigahorse software as well, the CPU plotter works with the 1st generation of compression , the Gigahorse 2.0 flavor with GPU gives you the current levels of compression too GitHub - madMAx43v3r/chia-gigahorse.

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