Convert Chia (XCH) to paypal

transfer your Chia (XCH) to OKEx (XCH)
in OKEx transfer XCH from “funds account” to “trading account”
now convert XCH to BTC (link XCH Price | XCH Live Chart | XCH Price Index | OKEx)
then withdraw BTC to CoinBase (fee is 0.0004 BTC) so wait til you actually need to withdraw
on Coinbase - SELL to Paypal or bank (fees vary by your location)

Happy Plotting
Stay Safe!!

This is no good for US residents. Not allowed to use OKEx.

I guess you could use to do the same if thats USA friendly
For OKEx, you could just choose a different country to sign in other then USA

I’m sure that would make the message (message below) go away. But I still wouldn’t be able to do anything according to the message because I don’t have any other ID except my US id’s.

Screenshot 2021-06-08 111354

sorry I never got that message, but I never verify my account as well.

I just followed these instructions from youtube video