Cost Investment for 500 Plot

Why do you doubt duch that :joy:

Because it would be a shockingly bad nvme to die from producing 154 plots.

My nvme must have made > 10,000 and still plots just fine

Ahah… OK. I got your point, actually, more than 1000 plot for NVMe SSD M.2 is OK. Fine.

I had to edit my post, id put 1000 but meant 10,000.
Thats on a 2tb firecuda.

Damn… 10.000 Plot… for 2TB NVMe, same type with me…then, normally, how many XCH will be awared bese on this type of SSD or any calculation or formulas to create this ?

At this point im really unsure if your just trolling.

Youve been here a while, so you must know by now 10,000 plots wont fit on 2tb ssd.
You surely also know that ssd is for plotting before moving plots to hdd.


This question makes no sense, a 2tb ssd will only hold 2tb of plots at once, and i provided you a link to see how much that coukd earn you, you posted that link in your OP.

I dont know what this next question even means

You must know by now how to plot, so the formula is buy equipment, plot, wait.


$7.00 USD per year. You can leave some plots on your NVMe and SSD drives when you are all done plotting if you want, but you would make more money selling those drives when you are done plotting honestly.

Absolutely, we could be 75 plots complete of the 500 desired with any $300 office PC by now. Getting started and expanding if needed is better than researching endlessly and never launching. Let’s get some plots going :sunglasses:

Thanks for your information, really appreciated!

Good advise, i will, and need your support for further setup, for sure :slight_smile:

I’m not here and waste my time for for trolling Bro :slight_smile: