Dual GPU farming with Gigahorse

Hello! I have 410 TiB (physical). RAM 128 GB. All plots are compressed C31. Can I use two GPU RTX 3060 ti for farming. Can I just install a second card or do I need to make additional settings? I use Windows and Gigahorse. Thanks

I’m pretty certain that if two GPU’s are installed in the same machine it will use both.

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I use Ubuntu and it happens…
The processor will divide, but the memory not. The 2 GPUs need to hold the compressor-level memory requirements.

For Plott and Farm together the memory needs to hold the compress-level + plot compress-level requirements. You cannot farm in GPU 1 and plot in GPU2 if the memory is not enough to hold both.

He’s asking regarding farming, not plotting and farming.

I answer for farm, and advise for plot and farm…

In Windows two GPUs absolutely work. I have that setup (2x PCI-E 4.0 x16) and it helps vs one GPU a lot.

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It will work automatically yes.

I have a server with 7 GPUs and it seems to use it according to what it needs, sometimes leaving some in idle. (Ubuntu)

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