ETW (Estimated Time to Win) is different in GUI and Command Prompt

I read ETW by 2 Ways multiple time. Each time ETW is read different of more that 1 years from GUI. Is my logic is wrong ?


Rounding error.

Also, the ETW is not always snapshotted at the same time in command prompt versus GUI. So you may spot small difference.

To be honest, with only 1 plot, I’d expect this level of discrepancy. I sometimes see a few days difference between GUI and command prompt with nearly 4000 plots…

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Thats what my machine said 205 years ago!!!

Magic Number=2298.97712323107 (Complex computational math. Take it as 2300)

(Total Network Space) * 2300 / (Your k32 Plot Count) = … DAYS

I have 4650 k32 plot
Total Network Space 30.514

30.514*2300/4650= 15 days (Estimated Time to Win)

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