Evergreen cyber Monday sale + Question

Hey guys,

Ive recently got into chia farming and I have been trying to get my farm going and I stumbled across a cyber Monday sale at evergreen and just wanted to share it with everyone as Ive seen deals for up to 25% off, which for beginners is actually a good entry point to get into farming.

Which one should I get? Any recommendations?

None would be my reccomendation.
Have you done a price analysis on what you could build the same or better for?


evergreen trees??? What link??


Assuming a (generous) 10 year lifespan, the smallest kits will have dead drives before you break even (ignoring power costs even). It’d be fine for seeing what all the fuss is about but run your numbers if this is an investment.

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None, and don’t believe the YT’s pushing them, the only money they are making off of them is the referral $ they get for sending folks that don’t know any better to buy em.

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