Exception fetching error on a c9 plot with gigahorse

2023-11-22T09:09:56.962 harvester chia.harvester.harvester: ERROR Exception fetching qualities for \nas2\E\pool\plot-k32-c9-2023-11-20-22-12-717a7d03a686079b8208070d26c603122053a2d5e197b6924f4c844f543fb4c2.plot: multiple candidates after loop (2) PlotInfo(prover=<chiapos.DiskProver object at 0x000001FB13E13230>, pool_public_key=None, pool_contract_puzzle_hash=<bytes32: d0dffbbca137da3bfd85b4a8582300baf56c2a0f2c014a50c316682761f1031f>, plot_public_key=<G1Element 824b997694be386a160ce62b61b033a4ccad653d7e8b6dc62353ebe384740a3e0f79133a74a99a466b86e6ea4b1aebbf>, file_size=73184433041, time_modified=1700525345.0976114)

I got this error in my log on one of my c9 gigahorse plots. does it mean it is corrupt and I should delete?

Why don’t you see if you get another one in some days. I get bugs all the time.

It’s a rare case that cannot be computed currently, nothing to worry about.

I’ve seen the same error occasionally with OG plots using Chia official farmer - usually with the slower disks if anything.

What does it mean ? Bad plot ?

No the plot is fine.

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