Extremely slow results from Samsung 980 m.2 SSD

Hm, so I got a B460 board, i7-10700 CPU, two Corsair MP600 2TB, and 2x16GB RAM. Here are my plotman results, do you think my IO values are too high respectively what could the reason of the higher values be?

Warning, at high speeds the USB → controller chipset matters a lot. JMicron is particularly terrible. You need to know what controller is in the chipset to get good performance under heavy I/O like Chia.

I have found solution for this if you are still concerned


Uh, of course people are interested in the solution. That is why they post. Are you holding the information for ransom?

Yes we need solutions! My fix was to switch from Ubuntu to windows 10 for my 980 pro 500gb drives. Write speed went from 500-600MB/s to 4GB/s.

Update for any interested: I sent the drive to Samsung. They determined that it could not be repaired and would give me a refund. Unfortunately they were extremely confused by my Microcenter receipt, which included returning 1 item and buying several others, and only want to refund the amount quoted on the receipt. This made no sense and I was barely able to understand what this person was attempting to say so I asked to speak to the manager. After to talking to the manager for 20+ minutes he seemed to understand that returning one item does not mean you paid less in total for the other item. He still had to send the case for another review though and they will get back to me in 3-5 business days…

Your MB is sharing bandwidth between your M.2_1 slot and the SATA6G_1 port. Best not to try to use both at the same time unless you are absolutely sure the M.2 device is connected in in PCIEx4 mode

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What is the solution? Return the 980 pro and get a rocket 4 plus instead?