Farm pool nossd CPU, RAM, VGA minimun requirement

I plot with dual cpu 2650v2 ram 128 vga 3060ti
Now I farm at nossd pool, how CPU, RAM, VGA minimun requirement for farm.
sorry i pool english.

Download and run the nossd program and it will tell you how many TB you can farm

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i need know, how CPU, RAM, VGA minimun requirement for farm at nossd

Just go to nossd site, and read help.

RAM: 128GB = perfect


CPU, not important, you use GPU for plotting and farming

3060ti is great, run NoSSD software to find out how much it can farm


How to use -m option? Linux. system has 384GB memory. Does more memory helps plotting performance?

You could use that extra 256 GB of RAM as a ramdrive, plot to it, then use a modified script to pull the plots to your HDs, thus not limiting on HD write speed.
Won’t help if you plot on your CPUs (they’re going to plot slow enough a single modern HD can keep up on the writes), but if you use the GPU for plotting it should.

More than 128GB does NOT directly affect plotting speed.