Farming compressed plots without a GPU?

This runs on this desktop, and I have a guest running chia and point to another machine that runs the recompute server that has a GPU 3060-12gb.
Remember have to always test. I used to work for Siemens in Boca Raton and took care of the dev labs and went on vacation in 2016.

With GH C1 you can basically farm almost infinite plots on CPU, which is about 20% more rewards (minus 1.5% fee). So yes you can def do it, and it wont cost you anything apart from re-plotting.

However with a little more investment into a budget GPU you can get a lot more out of it. Like with C15, that’s the most efficient for low compression, you can farm 325 TB C15 with a K2200 no problem and you’ll get 42% more rewards (minus 3.1% fee).


Hi Max, I have a HP Z840 (2x Xeon E5-2699CV4, 128GB DDR4 ECC RAM) with no GPU. I have 4030 plots. Would you advise CPU or GPU plotting. If GPU, which would be best? TIA.

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For GH 3.0 you need a GPU to plot. Because you only have 128G RAM any mid-range GPU will do fine, like a 1070, 2060 or 3060.


Thanks Max, I will purchase a RTX 3060 12GB (ÂŁ270 new in UK).


With an RTX 3060 with 12GB, I will try to go C30 for 425TB of plots for plot filter 512 and 256.

Maybe go with a 3060 Ti then, gonna be a close call with the 3060 on filter 256.

But you cannot plot and farm at the same time on 3060 Ti because it only has 8G VRAM.


Is there any update about Chias official compressed plots, or third party still only option?

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I would go for 4070 super 12GB. 4000 series is more energy efficient.

Also there is 4070 12GB. Not much cheaper.

Will a 1080ti plot C32 plots?
11GB (no, not 8 or 12, it was a wierd size because it repurposed 1CU bad but good otherwise Tesla GPU chips).
Or is the listed 12GB an absolute minimum number?

Plot yes, farming is the question, it’s gonna be very close, maybe with headless.

Chia’s official first party CPU farmable compressed plots and their bladebit plotter work just fine. That’s Compressed Plot Farming | Chia Documentation.

Your 325tb physical size would be fine farming BB-C5 on a 5700G for a 1.2x space increase (390tb effective). CPU farming with GH might increase that to 1.3x at the cost of running proprietary code and the 1.6% gh-cpu fee.

When Chia official compression launched mid last year, using BB-C3/4/5 was worthwhile. Consider that the baseline to compare everything else to.

Today? It’s a minimum. But maybe not what to choose…

With 325TB physical, you shouldn’t be using a CPU to plot anymore. Buy an affordable used >=8gig nvidia GPU for plotting (a 3060 is excellent). It’ll be a lot faster. GPUs are easy to resell if you just want to use it for replotting and be done with it. Or even 1-2 years from now when GPU farming should in theory cease to be meaningful.

But at that point you have a choice if keeping said GPU - decide if paying for the power to keep a fraction of it running for the next year-ish before a new plot format that a GPU won’t help farm happens. If so, you’re in gigahorse territory. Today that’s GH-C18 (1.7x physical) - an additional 160tb effective vs BB-C5 at your (325tb physical) farm size.

Tip: Be conservative on your chosen C level (regardless of CPU or GPU). Plan to run 3x below estimated max space for your setup at plot-filter 256 and you’ll save a lot of power and avoid bottlenecks. Don’t plan to farm using GPU assist if it’d be consuming tons more power than operating the equivalent effective additional hard drive space assuming those would be filled conservatively at a low-C level (1.2x physical). (Waste not, people!)

Expect to need to replot once a year regardless. The next replot is always going to be the final one. “And remember, tomorrow is a rest day” - Farscape. This was true the last several times. Once you’re GPU plotting, it isn’t a huge burden - a replot should cost at most a couple week’s XCH farming rewards.

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Very true, if it a) doesn’t crash while plotting with errors. Or b) creates a ton of plots that do not work.