FindChia are launched GigaHorse Node!


Hi there!

FindChia pool are launched GigaHorse Node , you can read how to connect here:

First of all you need to download gigahorse software to each of your farmer machines.

You can download it here — Releases · madMAx43v3r/chia-gigahorse · GitHub

Next you should install it somewhere (just unpack it, for linux command is: tar xvf chia-gigahorse-farmer-1.8.2.giga14-x86_64.tar.gz)

You will see something like this:

Change directory to the chia-gigahorse-farmer:

cd chia-gigahorse-farmer

You should see this:

For software to work properly you need to import your private keys (24 words mnemonic for your wallet, it kept on your farm we do not have access to it), this is very important part, you need to issue command:

./chia.bin keys add

Software will prompt you to enter mnemonic:

After entering mnemonic press enter on the next prompt.

If everything done properly you should see next prompt (numbers will be different):

Next we will configure connection to the external full node:

Open configuration file:

nano ~/.chia/mainnet/config/config.yaml

You will see text editor with contents of configuration file:

Use arrows to navigate through text document, you need to find full_node_peer: and change host: localhost to host:

To save text file press CTRL+o then press enter, to exit from editor press CTRL+x

Now you need to add location with plots so the node can know where to look for plot files.

I will assume that your plots located in the /mnt/test_location directory, so command will look like this:

./chia.bin plots add /mnt/test_location ( substitute the /mnt/test_location with actual drives location)

You must do this for each disk/location!

Time to switch contract to FindChia pool, i suggest you to do this from your main wallet.

Last step is to start up all software, issue this command to start farming with an external node:

./chia.bin start wallet farmer harvester


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