Gigahorse 25 and Windows Defender

Hi, upgraded to giga25 and it ran fine for a few hours and now Windows Defender is throwing up a quarantine message:

Switched back to giga23 for now which seems to run fine. Is there a workaround?

Thank you!

not really a workaround but you can just allow it, just select restore on the quarantined threat

one of the earlier giga releases (prior to 25) had the same issue

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It’s a ~50 MB exe file, easy to get false positives with that much binary.

I have not seen anyone else reporting false positive alerts.

@madMAx43v3r perhaps you can provide a hashing value for the file?

on discord a lot of reports, some releases go through some don’t.

just download from github, will give you the same file as I have. I upload directly from the build VM to github. The windows build VM is a clean windows server installation, it’s not used for anything else.

Submit the file to Microsoft for checking, which will help reduce the false positives.

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