Gigahorse AMD GPU farming limits

I have a box with AMD Radeon RX 550 2GB VRAM.

When I tried to check maximum farm size on C18 plot, I got the error message:

Threw: recompute for this level not supported on given hardware

Then I realized that in this table:

can be seen C18 need 2.3GB of VRAM to assemble.

So, I tried with C17 plot, which should need only 1.65GB of VRAM, but result was the same.

Which are additional limitation from AMD OpenCL farming, except for VRAM amount?

  • OpenCL farming support for the new C11 to C20 will come in a later release

Also, It might just be too old of a card. In any case AMD support is minimal for plotting/farming

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Retire that AMD card and get a RTX 3060-12gb and you will be cooking just fine.

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Well, I’ll definitelly have something more powerfull (and NVIDIA based) on my main farmer, but this is small remote farmer with ~300 plots.
It would not use 0.1% of 3060’s performance. :slight_smile:

Nvidia quadro k2200 4gb graphics card | eBay

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And as an another option:

How high throughput and how low latency is needed for remote compute farming?

Sorry can’t answer that, but I have remote compute running on a machine and another farmer pointing to it over my network with no problems.