Gigahorse C30 Error


Hi Max, I get this error with C30. are they because of Difficulty or GPU? those error only happen if C30 plots are presents.

ERROR Exception fetching qualities for X:\plot-k32-c30-2024-03-07-11-16-42970532ed9fd11ac9bac7382d0ac441c9b12c7fcecac96cc3f25c5b6045ec95.plot: recv() failed with: timeout (> 20000 ms) PlotInfo(prover=<chiapos.DiskProver object at 0x0000015EE51A0AB0>, pool_public_key=None, pool_contract_puzzle_hash=<bytes32: 63753f83b962c9d40d245f5694b4bc84c91be47cd7696e23e708a56797cf8fdc>, plot_public_key=<G1Element 9081553bf55b14574ad127e10e91ed0871b327e9cba0207d00ecbbe7c22e4f6f7e51c33c469ac68c15ebac69065defb1>, file_size=46490361096, time_modified=1709828475.8327825)

ERROR Exception fetching qualities for L:\plot-k32-c18-2024-02-29-10-10-cc12ac9468220b9f398ea6d46a905337e2f08f6a46693bdfc410009c84197777.plot: recompute failed to produce a candidate (table = 3) PlotInfo(prover=<chiapos.DiskProver object at 0x0000015EE63FDEF0>, pool_public_key=None, pool_contract_puzzle_hash=<bytes32: 63753f83b962c9d40d245f5694b4bc84c91be47cd7696e23e708a56797cf8fdc>, plot_public_key=<G1Element 8e598c3003aff4048da552be4610cec6cf59cda51ff1b20b5237c9283a23624c771ff84d903142303cba2f0a06df0e19>, file_size=64002719208, time_modified=1709219744.259228)

I believe this has been discussed on Discord today, but Max is away, so no answers. Others are seeing unexpected spikes in lookup times, seems to be when two different plot compressions are mixed, I’m seeing it as well with c19 and c30 plots.

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thanks for your feedback. i will try to isolate C30 to one GPU and see what happens tomorrow, will keep you posted!

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I’ve seen this as well, not sure yet what the issue is…


The bug has been found.


excellent!!! thank you guys for taking care!

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