Gigahorse Compressed GPU Plot Client Released! Start Plotting Now!

For farming and not plotting does the PCIe bandwidth matter much? Could you use mining cards such as NVIDIA 50HX graphics card? Or would the PCIe 1.1X4 bandwith be too little for farming? It works for mining ETH and such…just curious. How about PCIe backplane expansion boards for connecting mutiple cheap GPUs? I have one of these and wondering if I could use it to hookup mutliple GPUs or if the bandwidth limitations would be to much… [Express9 & 9-G3 | Datapath] It works real well for mutiple HBA cards…

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@madMAx43v3r i’m interested too in the matter above, especially if pci-e 3.0 x8 is enough for farming without issues.

Other things i’ve also wondered (but for cpu farming) are:

  • Is hyperthreading relevant? for example, has a 8c/8t cpu the same performance of a 8c/16t?
  • Is single thread performance important? (in pratice, can you set all the cores at the same frequency and undervolt the cpu to reach optimal energy efficiency?)

Thank You!

It matters, especially for larger GPUs and higher C levels like C8 / C9.

Yes definitely, it will be super slow.

Yes that’s enough.

Never tested it, I would expect 16t to be faster but not by 2x.


Im checking c8 plots by running chia plots check in powershell.

I have or most of my c8 plots have warnings going above 10s. It is quite close to 10secs though. Is this normal for c8 plots or do i need to do something to go below 10s. Thanks

Can I farm with an AMD 5700G ?


On Windows yes (with iGPU), on Linux only with CPU.


Has anyone tried plotting while farming on a tesla P4? Doable?

It’s doable but you’ll have to plot with -S2 and it will be very, very slow.

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Do I understand you correctly, on Windows, it is doable to farm with AMD 5700 but with CPU with onboard GPU. But not on Linux.

I believe it’s a problem with drivers, linux seems to be behind in terms of graphics driver.