Goodbye SSD. Welcome RAM. BladeBit is here - a plotter under 6 mins

Thanks. I tried to use it and faced the error of not detecting destination file. I have multiple plots at the source directory. it can detect them fine. Do I need to specify a directory for each plot? or would one destination directory suffice for multiple plots. I also do have enough space in the final directory. Thanks

The way I did it, was I had an SSD for my final directory in madmax. I set the chia-plot-mover config to search that directory and then added the directory that it needed to be moved to in the chia-plot-mover config. You did setup the plot-mover config file right? Give me a sec. I’ll post my config.

Edit -

  - /mnt/nvme
  - /mnt/chia_13/plots-pool

Ok. That’s what my plot-mover config looked like. “/mnt/nvme” was my final directory for madmax. “/mnt/chia_13/plots-pool” was the directory that I wanted chia-plot-mover to move the plots that were being output by madmax. Make sense?

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Yes thats what i have it set up as well. I will double check it.

How can you share some info on how you got a 3970x to work with 512 ram?

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Did you find a server yet, I’m still collection Alu cans for hd money :slight_smile:

but tell nobody, because most do not care aboout costs.

I can do 0.05$/plot…with such a system, you will never repay your investment. instead of buying one super-machine, I would rather buy 3x normal tourist stuff that will beat any super HW in plot price. and i will sell it for similar price.

where do you sell epyc cpu and 512ghb ram without losing 50%

after all, what matter is ROIC…it looks like most kids aim for 30 years returns…one wonders, who can predict future.

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Goodbye RAM. Welcome GPU. BladeBit_CUDA is here - a plotter under 2 mins.


What is your system setup for this and are you making compressed plots at what level? Windows or Linux?

I built 5 systems so far – the most recent one is a 32 Core Threadripper Pro with 512gb of RAM, Nvidia A4000 GPU, and Linux Mint. Plots are being sent to a 4TB Enterprise SSD, and is pushing out those plots to a 60-bay JBOD by Seagate. It made 50 TB of plots overnight last night.