GrinderPro FPGA

Shit just got real. How many FPGA farmers are there? This explains why China netspace never seems to drop. Is this just a open secret there?

John, are you the first to offer FPGA farming? Do you have proof Grinder Pro stole from you?

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If either of the apparently now 2 FPGA teams would like to join in tonight I am hosting a Twitter space on the topic.

Anyone else who is interested should jump in also. While unproven by either team as of yet, this would be very big if true.


slowesttimelord posted on x. CNI has known since January 2023

krandom 2:04 PM - 20 Jan 23

Thank you for admitting this is really lossless compression JM, not spinning the story like others. We current have 72.33% compression working on energy efficient FPGAs for our biggest customer in China. I’m glad you discovered bit dropping but you are only at the beginning of the journey.

Here is some reading material for you to start

We could do a layout for an ASIC but at this time we don’t see Chia lasting much more than a few years due better space chains and the prefarm bleeding driving down Chia’s netspace to the point Chia itself is no longer secure. This is the downside to using commodity hardware for security.

Now we know three things:
1 FPGA farming in China is why the price has tanked but the netspace seemingly didn’t.
2 This may be the real reason that CNI are slow rug pulling by selling the pre-mine every month (They know its over).
3 CHIA is completely compromised and washed up and won’t exist by the time any new plot design is ready.

If CNI knows, why are they doing the > “maybe 2 yrs we will have a non-compressed format > meanwhile old plots will co-exist” shtick < at least that’s how i understand it.

Perhaps it is > if they admitted they know about this development, it would be game over before they can completely rug pull w/their pre-farm?

Meanwhile, all except these few FPGA folks are finished, and most are just not aware their upcoming fate? :man_shrugging:

All-in-all … seriously depressing news if true :confounded:

Steady lads. Let’s wait to hear from Gene. FPGA farming using compression is not the same as FPGA plot grinding.

Gene’s white paper said they will not sell the premine, Gene is selling the premine every month, I’ve heard more than enough from Gene.


The minute he opens his mouth and says anything like, “Yeah, we know…”…game over.

The updated plot format will stop these losers. It is not fair what they are doing.

That’s not what I said. I don’t know what CNI knew what or when, or if FPGA farming is even real.

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Yes maybe I am jumping to conclusions. But wow

It will stop the blockchain as well. Do you really believe 22+EiB of HDs (minus 'compressed plots efficiency so maybe actual 10-15EiBs HD space) will be replotted to this particular project? Fat chance.

Fool me once, shame on you. Try to mess with me twice, not gonna happen…next!

Even if it is real it is only a small percent of netspace. Most of netspace is NoSSD. Chia is secure.

2TB of ram would be enough to store the plot ID BLS keys. They said they are not “simple” grinding which means they have some other trick. There is no way they could spoof that much space per watt otherwise.

I suspect Grinder Pro or John Wong is NoSSD. Who else would have the expertise?

This would give them the perfect cover for plot grinding.

This makes sense. I bet GrinderPro stole the tech from John Wong (NoSSD).

Hu on GrinderPro team was our contractor. Now he steal from us. Please consider. We do not sell technology. We only use private.

So glad you stepped in to offer your knowlegable opinion.

Was hoping you would.

Let’s do some business.

Are you using an external memory interface with the FPGA? I think I may know what you guys are doing but I don’t think you can get anywhere near 200 TiB per watt. The server alone would use around 800 watts.