GUI not showing total plots - multi-machine

My main node is running the GUI. It says I have 112 plots in the Plot Count section, but I actually have 125 plots. It’s not showing the 13 plots I have on my other harvester.

Also, in the “Last Attempted Proof” list, it shows both #/112 and #/13 in the “Plots Passed Filter” column. So the main node is seeing the harvester.

Anyone else experiences this? Is this a bug? Did I misconfigure my setup? :grimacing:

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Hmm. Did you check the config.yaml to make sure the drive is listed there in the correct section? Can you access the network share from the main node?

I am seeing the same in the GUI as I have a different machine where I plot but it’s set as a harvester as well with harvester started. Once the plot is done, in the GUI I still see the old Plot Count, but in the Last Attempted Proof I am seeing the GUI count + the remote machine.

My numbers are low so I just move the remote to the GUI location as I am freaking out if they are not actually used properly.

Sorry not much of help here, but wanted to confirm I’ve experienced the same. Too lazy/busy to investigate further :slight_smile:

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Main node PC doesn’t have network access to the plot directory on my harvester. I thought that was not needed?

hey guy i got same shit, I setup an harvester with full node and refer the plotter to the harvester

like in conf on the plotter :

  database_path: db/blockchain_v1_CHALLENGE.sqlite
 enable_upnp: false

    crt: config/ssl/ca/chia_ca.crt
    key: config/ssl/ca/chia_ca.key
    port: 8447

On harvester become this:

  database_path: db/blockchain_v1_CHALLENGE.sqlite
  enable_upnp: true

    crt: config/ssl/ca/chia_ca.crt
    key: config/ssl/ca/chia_ca.key
    host: localhost
    port: 8447

and now i got this :


before was never like that did I make a mystake ?thaanks

And when I check the gui on my plotter i still have some full node and on farmer too…

4 Potter(3 asi harvester).same issue… Did u solve IT?

Check on the harvester.

Theres 3 dots next to the add plots. and add the disk where u have those plots locate in. and after that scroll down to the page… usually they might appear there with something like plots unavailable and warns u if u delete em u might not recover them… and if u see ur plots there, just reload… the gui might stuck on connecting to wallet page… so its better to do it after u have done all ur plotting processes before u do anything…

I solved the issue by using the machine for plotting with the powershell (plotmanager) and the farming machine with the gui ^^ it’s maybe not the best but it work

Pretty sure what you’re talking about is a known issue… The gui / main node does not reflect remote harvester plots. i.e. my main node shows 0 plots, despite having close to 700 being actually farmed through remotes. There’s an open issue on github, will be added to a future version of chia.

If you’re checking the logs and seeing results from the ‘farmer’ that it’s sending signage points to your harvester, and then receiving farming_info back from that peer, you’re good. I keep log tails open on both of my remote harvesters and the main node, so I can actively see everything’s working.


Yup, it’s this issue.

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