Hate/Fear for Compressed plots/GPU farming

Yes, quite right. And don’t forget the cost of replotting which i conveniently left out


Just for fun, following the EFSA research… with a little transfer to (“our field”) :wink:

Consuming chia seeds (XCH production) – side effects

“The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) states that there is no evidence that consuming chia seeds may cause any side effects. This is due to the fact that not enough toxicological tests have been carried out. It is worth remembering that with any food (cryptocurrency), you should exercise moderation and eat it (invest in it) according to the proposed dosage (rules according to CNI). Chia seeds (XCH) have a good effect on the body (crypto investor), but only when we eat them ( (we invest in it) in the right way and in the right amounts (without going crazy…), due to the fact that the effects of their abuse in the diet (the investor’s budget) have not been fully researched.”

Don’t take away my arguments… :wink:

I think we could go out for a beer and, despite our differences of opinion, have fun discussing it.
I respect and congratulate your moral attitude.
You are a slowly disappearing type of debater of the Internet era…

I’ll bite on this. You are right if it stays at 30 the next ten years you have nothing. But if it goes sky high there is a pretty big difference between 1 and 2 million. There is no one that I know who when offered 1 million versus 2 million would say, “Well, I don’t want to be greedy, so I will take 1 million.”

While I do agree that decentralization should be maintained, because it is good for the block chain and thus good for the community. I do not think that so called compression is a bad idea. If there were no innovation here and no interest at all in this project then netspace would drop down to nothing you and a few others would be the only ones farming and this project would die. That would make it very green, as there would be hardly anyone left farming it.

So I think that this project will go one way or the other. It will either continue to be an active place with innovation and progress or it will become like most cryptos and fade into nothing.

Of course, this is a certain overcontrast and shallowing of the topic.

On the other hand, by investing your time and new resources (compression),
you enter the next level of commitment - then you risk - you either have “a little” or 2M. And you have the right to say that you choose these 2M (“they deserve you like a dog’s kennel”).

Investors who do not invest further choose the “little” or 1M version. And that’s what I wanted to show more - that they voluntarily choose only 1M if the project “flys high”.

This assumption was made by some people, in line with the theses of the proposed product of the new crypto - XCH.
That’s why I looked at chia and joined the game of becoming a farmer.
I’m not saying that I won’t go to the “…dark side of the force” in some time… However, I just look a little grimaced because I don’t know if I want to participate in this “arms race”.
Hence my demands and questions.

In my opinion, if CNI and others do not find uses for the product, the use of compression/GPU/larger amounts of electricity will likely cause the project to fail. He won’t be able to compete with the biggest ones.
How can we explain our advantage compared to BTC or ETH? You can probably defend yourself by saying that we only work “a little” based on “POW”. Is that enough?
I wish you all (myself included) that I was wrong…

However, I fully agree with the fact that the more optimistic players there are, the more this game “breathes at full capacity” … and something happens…
We are still in the game.
The question is whether we are moving in the right direction…

I think this is a valid question but only time will tell. I myself never really bought into the green aspect of Chia, but I do think that if enough other people do that it might help Chia along. As I have said before, I don’t know of any block chain that has solved a real problem or come up with a service that is cheaper and better than what is already in place. Until that happens it’s just a curiosity with no real value. And as long as this is true, no one will pay for it. So, the only value in any crypto coin is finding someone else that believes in the hype and is willing to pay enough for it that it makes mining/farming worth while.

Then you know nothing about crypto! The idea behind Bitcoin is to replace central banking, they can print endless amount of money because all the banks are heavily overleveraged. Ask yourself what is behind inflation and how does it affect you. Then you will learn FIAT money has no value.

And still no bank or financial institution uses a block chain for transactions.I can buy groceries and make a car payment with fiat and not crypto……besides, banks don’t create money and cause inflation, governments do.

As I said you know nothing, central banks create money when regional banks coming and scream we need more money. Banks don’t want blockchain because its transparent, banks are criminals which try to steal your money and tell you its all good for you. When you hold FIAT you will not be able to buy anything in the grocery stores in future because we are heading right into hyperinflation. But hey its ok you will learn it once.

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Where I live I can pay taxes with BTC, I can pay in online stores.

And where do you live for right now?

Switzerland of course

The land of Ricola cough drops…

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Exactly and chocolate and milk. I live in the crypto town of switzerland. :smiley:

How very nice for you that crypto is an actual form of currency, not so here in the U. S. Also, our government reserves the only right to dump more
currency into the market and they do so by passing bills that include debt spending. Our nation is over 34 trillion in debt. So yeah I know about inflation, it happens every time my government spends money it doesn’t have, so poof out of thin air they create more currency. This new currency devalues what I have, so yeah inflation. I on the other hand cannot easily liquidate crypto and use it to purchase things or pay taxes with it.
Now, onto why I believe crypto isn’t a hedge against inflation. Take Bitcoin for instance just over the last few years it has been worth as little as around 10000 usd to as much as 68000. So don’t try to tell me that crypto is immune to manipulation. It obviously is not. In my world, I would rather have cash, as I can easily exchange it for needed goods and services not so with any crypto where I live.


As I said you don’t know the benefit of a blockchain, because you don’t know that not only the gouverment, central banks, also market makers, hedgefunds manipulating market prices and thats why your country has this ammount of debt. This will not end well, BRICS will leave the petro dollar too! So if you are to lazy to store your money in hardvalue then its your problem and you will lose your purchasing power over time. You can throw your money into toillette no problem.

Okay, please explain to me what exactly a blockchain does. In simple terms so that a person like me with obvious mental deficiencies will be able to understand. Tell me, please. What service will it provide so businesses will pay to use it? What new technology will it underpin? How will it power my car or heat and cool my home? What disease will it help cure. How will it help bring goods to market? Can it entertain me or make me laugh? How is it more stable than buying gold or real estate? How will it provide instant communication with those I wish to reach out to?
You see? These are things that people will pay for.

Maybe I am wrong but it seems to me that the only things that a blockchain does is keep track of transactions, issue coins that you cannot touch or hold and it perpetuates itself. Am I missing anything? Please explain.


I think you have to understand the market dynamic basics (demand and supply). As I told you the central banks can print endless money, if you store your money in a bank you will lose over time your purchasing power. With BTC or CHIA there is a maximum amount of coins, the blockchain makes shure that every transaction is valid, you can’t fake it with printing more money or selling air. The problem in our markets for example is you can counterfeit everything, thats the reason for more and more debt, its a PONZI scheme which will end in a collaps, its when bank runs start and they can’t pay you out. Your broke. If thats not enough for you thats total ok.

Best example is Türkiye, people have no money to buy groccerys because of hyperinflation. The money has no value because they print to much, the US does the same all FIAT currencys have this problem.

My goto example is when Venezuela entered hyperinflation. The inflation rate reached 274% in 2016, 863% in 2017, 130,060% in 2018 and 9,586% in 2019. Plus some countries are better about the token burn part of managing inflation than others. A trip to Mars for only $1.5 Trillion (source: SpaceNews).

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