HDD farming discussed on Seagate Q3 earnings call; armchair stock commentary

Just saw this data Tomshardware also published on Friday (23 April)

(Found this linked from This Motherboard With 32 SATA HDD & SSD Ports Is Perfect For Chia Coin Cryptocurrency Mining h/t @dchuk)

Question I’m noodling on to think about the fundamentals – is storage right now more like N-95 masks or TP, circa March 2020?

  • N-95 masks: it was a boring product with predictable global customer base, then suddenly demand spiked to infinity, and remains elevated for years and to some extent, permanently
  • Toilet paper: rumors of shortages became self-fulfilling prophecies as supply chains took time to reorient and redirect e.g. from offices to homes. However, this settled down within a few months, because the actual consumption per person didn’t structurally increase, the purchasing demand just shifted in space and time.

To be clear though, I think $STX and related stonks could be in for a ride, somewhat regardless of the long-term fundamentals…