How i receive valid with 43 seconds?

What’s the TX of that proof? I wanted to take a closer look but if this is correct harvester then my next question would be whether the PC clock is in sync with

As for HDDs sleeping I suggest you watch this video from JM to get an idea of what’s going on behind the scene and fast forward to 20:20 where he goes through SeaChest tool that can be used to adjust the power management on the HDDs. This tool will work on non-Seagate HDDs as well (even USB HDDs or at least it works on them for me under Linux) but you can use it only if you have direct access to HDDs meaning they are not behind a RAID so they have to be either direct attached (ex: SATA, SAS, etc.) or part of a JBOD where HDDs are directly exposed to operating system. If they are not exposed (ex: they show up as a volume that RAID card created) then you rely on the RAID card to control HDD power management. This is one of the reasons why RAID is not advised with Chia unless the RAID card you are using is in IT/bypass mode.

Personally I use openSeaChest and compile it for my Linux harvesters on the harvester directly but for Windows users you can download the binaries from GitHub. Note that below instructions are based on Linux but should work fro Windows just make sure you run it in elevated/admin CMD or PowerShell window after navigating/CD in to the folder where you have your openSeaChest BIN/EXEs:

  1. Get your HDDs handles or hardware path that will be used when addressing each HDD with the “-d” parameter by running “openSeaChest_PowerControl -s

  2. Now that you have the handle for each HDD inspection the current power settings by running “openSeaChest_PowerControl --showEPCSettings -d <handle of the HDD>”. Note that some HDDs may return more that one handle for each HDD which is the case of WD Easystore which also return SES device with the same S/N so just ignore these additional devices and consider the device with the correct HDD model name/number. Bellow is my output which you want to achieve where all idle & standby values are 0 except for idle A under Current Timer. Typically only Idle A is the slightly lower power mode which still keeps the spindle rotating but refer back to JMs video for more details. The key idea here is to keep the HDD spindle rotating so that it does not have to spin up from 0 RPM which takes most of the time, also a lot of spins down & up cycles will reduce life expectancy of the HDD so by doing this you prolong the life of the HDD at the cost of extra power usage.

Name       Current Timer Default Timer Saved Timer   Recovery Time C S
Idle A     *1            *20           *1            1             Y Y
Idle B      0            *6000          0            10            Y Y
Idle C      0             0             0            36            Y Y
Standby Y   0             0             0            36            Y Y
Standby Z   0             0             0            100           Y Y
  1. To achieve above results disable all idle & standby states except Idle A by running running:
openSeaChest_PowerControl -d <HDD handle> --idle_b disable
openSeaChest_PowerControl -d <HDD handle> --idle_c disable
openSeaChest_PowerControl -d <HDD handle> --standby disable

*The last one should apply to both standby Y & Z and if it does not for some reason then use the separate standby_y & standby_z parameters.

The result of each line above should be “Successfully configured the requested EPC settings.” and these settings are applied to the HDD so will survive power down or if you move HDD to another machine.