How would you spend $20,000 on a chia farm?

I appreciate you honest answer… I’ll be careful.

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Following the crypto market I am sure, BTC about to hit 27k…

Giving you a friendly, honest advice: just check some other crypto’s, chia is such a bad investment.

Agreed chia is more like sheeteeya

yes, me too, too late for the party, you would really need about 1-5PB space immediately, then you would be able to make some XCH for a short while. The problem is to plot 1-5PB you need 10000-50000 plots, a $4000 machine can probably churn out 50 plots per day. If you plot slower than the network growth rate you will never have a realistic chance.

At this point I would also recommend you look into other investment options and/or wait how things will settle down with chia

Plus, an additional point, to sustain the price of XCH the project needs fresh capital everyday. About 9200 XCH are created per day, multiply that with the exchange rate, you need at least that amount of fresh dollar inflow to be at a market equilibrium