Hpool auto update plots

okay nice to know, thanks again

This has nothing to do with your plot files… This is the websocket connection to the hpool service.
In the next logged message you should see that the connection is newly established.

For example of my hpool log:

time="2021-07-08T17:47:01+08:00" level=error msg="read message fail" error="read tcp> use of closed network connection" f7="{loggers.go,logging.CPrint,156}" f8="{server.go,websocket.(*Server).connect.func1,111}" f9="{asm_amd64.s,runtime.goexit,1371}" tid=457234
time="2021-07-08T17:47:01+08:00" level=info msg="init server" file=loggers.go func=logging.CPrint line=168 tid=66 type=ws url="ws://"
time="2021-07-08T17:47:02+08:00" level=info msg="connect success" file=loggers.go func=logging.CPrint line=168 tid=66 url="ws://"

You’ll see the “connect success” after the error?


ahaaa okay. yes i can see that

This all happens in under one second, so this shouldn’t matter.
For sure everyone of us will see this three messages more than once a day.

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Hi again so i have a bit of a problem with my “Farm 6”, when i try to plot in the hdd i get : “Invalid finaldir: /media/milo/Farm (needs trailing ‘/’ or ‘’)”

but i have placed a “/” after the Farm 6 , in my Line :

./chia_plot -n -1 -r 24 -u 512 -v 512 -t /media/milo/42e81498-a404-4204-aca4-78ccb83b192e/ -2 /media/ram/ -d /media/milo/Farm 6/ -p ac6c670c5c2443362049397756e748c5d850016a5b46471ab6921c30738a3772c540fc24296533aa2f60b235121939f9 -f 9034e94f0bf765685e7bab2c133be651c99cedd933059460b2056d2224de70a1019fce457eee28c150f88901a8a6135a

Try to surround your paths in quotes as you have spaces in your paths!

Eg.: ./chia_plot -t /media/milo/42e81498-a404-4204-aca4-78ccb83b192e/ -2 /media/ram/ -d "/media/milo/Farm 6/"

Only the destination path needs it and rhe other paths are ok!

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you are a life saver :slight_smile: thanks again it worked