I can't move .chia folder to another disk: Cannot connect to host

You can try an alternative method, where you modify your config.yaml (I use this one). Here are the changes you need to do:

  database_path: D:/chia-db/blockchain/blockchain_v1_CHALLENGE.sqlite
  peer_db_path: D:/chia-db/blockchain/peer_table_node.sqlite
  database_path: D:/chia-db/wallet/blockchain_wallet_v1_CHALLENGE_KEY.sqlite
  wallet_peers_path: D:/chia-db/wallet/wallet_peers.sqlite

Just make sure that the leading spaces fit what you have in your config.yaml and when you swap for your drive/path use forward slashes.

The advantage of this method is that if you have resources, you can put various folders from your mainnet on different drives (e.g., separate blockchain db from wallet db traffic or move logs to a slower drive, as logs can actually interfere with blockchain/wallet db access during dust storms (create more strain on the underlying drive).

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