I don’t see the coin in the wallet or in the blockchain
the application cannot sync. I tried deleting and re-entering the keys, it didn’t help
when I enter the wallet address in “Xchscan” it gives error 404
- Sync ( as the popup tells you )
- View chain ( as the popup tells you )
Open port?
how to do this? where to go to synchronize your wallet?
Allow software through firewall.
Maybe youll need to open / forward tcp port 8444
Both worth a try if you cant sync
If you use the search function youll find the info you need to do those and lots more
-«node-eu.chia.net- 8444/8444»
«-node-apne.chia.net 8444/8444»
«-node-or.chia.net 8444/8444».
all 3 don’t work
I get error 11001
Ok cool, but what about trying the 2 things i said might fix it. Did you ?
Those being.
Your cap shows you trying to add a peer, not trying to do either of what i advised could fix it.